Are you one of those people who is just about to start eating healthy? Then I am sure Avocados must be a part of your new diet plan! The way avocados have caught up with the world makes everyone want to try them! So, if you want to know what avocados taste like before it becomes an integral part of your diet, you have come to the right article!
The flavor and texture of avocado usually depend on how ripe the fruit is. But, the overall flavor of avocados can be described as buttery and creamy with a mild earthy and nutty flavor that is not at all overpowering.
Avocados are used for various purposes, be it avocado on toast, in smoothies, smoothie bowls, chips, dips, and even desserts. Although Mexican in origin, avocados have found their place worldwide and are used in every cuisine imaginable nowadays.
Despite their popularity, I know some of you may have never eaten an avocado before. So, how would you really know if you will like the flavor or not before you incorporate it into your diet? Well, I have the answer to your question and even more, all in this article. Read further to know everything about avocados!
Avocados | The New Diet Trend

I am sure the reason that brought you here is that you like experimenting with food. Whenever you see an avocado in the supermarket, you probably do get tempted to pick one up. But, some of you may be scared to do so because, well, avocados are expensive! So, the next time you want to experiment, do get that avocado because you will be familiar with it soon.
Avocados do have a creamy texture and mildly nutty flavor that works really well with many recipes, however, that is not all! Avocados are rich with nutrients and are a great source of healthy fats, which is the reason they have evolved and become popular everywhere.
Though the avocado trend has caught our attention only over the past decade, there is evidence that avocados have been consumed by humans for ages. Some archeologists have found evidence that avocados were eaten by humans in Central America as early as 10,000 B.C.!
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What Is The Taste And Texture Of An Avocado?
Having some insight about what an ingredient is supposed to feel and taste like always helps. So, the next time you find a lovely avocado, just pick it up and look for the texture and taste mentioned below.
The taste of avocado is extremely mellow. It tastes almost creamy and slightly nutty and is, in general, a very underwhelming flavor. As the flavor of avocado is really mild, it pairs really well with various other ingredients that have a stronger flavor profile.
When it comes to the texture of avocados, that is something that is much more predominant than its taste. The moment you cut into an avocado, you will realize how smooth and creamy its texture is.
The creamy texture makes it very easy to mash avocados and gives them the soft and spreadable consistency that they are known for. Although, despite having a mild flavor, avocados are thick and dense and will almost melt in your mouth.
How To Tell If An Avocado Is Ripe?

Most of us buy food that is ready to use. At least, it’s what all of us aim for! Even when it comes to avocados, it is the same story. I am sure you must be wondering how you can tell if an avocado is ripe or not, considering the fact that you cannot really open them up and check in a supermarket. But, let me tell you some ways you can check if avocados are ripe or not.
Fresh avocados actually do not ripen on the tree; they ripen once they are harvested. That may make it confusing for some to pick ripe avocados. However, the best way to judge if an avocado is ripe or not is by feeling it.
Place the avocado in your hand and gently press it, making sure you apply minimal pressure as otherwise, the avocado will get bruised. If the avocado feels firm when you press it, it is still firm and not completely ripe.
Depending on how firm it feels, you will have to ripen it anytime between 2-5 days. In case you feel the avocado is soft when you press it but not extremely soft or mushy, that is a perfectly ripe avocado that is ready to use.
Other than that, if the avocado is too soft and mushy to the touch, do not buy it as that would be an overripe avocado. Overripe avocados, when cut open, taste and smell rancid. Such avocados, generally, cannot be used for any purpose as they have lost their mild natural flavor.
Moreover, you can also tell by the color of the skin of the avocado. Firm avocados have a lighter green skin which becomes brown as the fruit ripens. However, as there are many types of avocados, the best way to judge is still by touch and not sight.
Other than this, once you purchase the avocado, there is one more way to tell if it is ripe or not without cutting it open. On the narrow end of the avocado, there is a little brown stem. You can remove the stem and check the color underneath. If the color is green or yellow, your avocado is ready to use!
Having trouble with finding the right avocado? There are various substitutes that you can use in place of avocados!
Types Of Avocados
Just like various other fruits and vegetables, avocados also have various types. Although there are hundreds of types of avocados grown worldwide, I have mentioned some in this article that are the most popular.
Avocados are generally divided into two categories- A type or B type cultivators. The difference between the two types lies in the pollination of the flowers of the tree. However, this is more important for cultivators rather than a consumer. So, without further ado, let me tell you about 14 different types of avocados that are eaten in different parts of the world.
1. Choquette Avocados

Choquette avocados are dark green in color and have an oval shape. These avocados are a mix of two different types of avocados and originated in Florida. They have smooth and glossy skin with high water content in their flesh.
The flavor of these avocados is quite mild, similar to any other avocado. Moreover, due to their high water content, some may even call it milder than various other types. These avocados also release fluid when they are cut into.
2. Hass Avocados

Hass avocados are the most popular variety of avocados. They have a buttery and nutty flavor and have a spherical shape. These avocados have skin that turns from green to purple-black as they ripen.
Hass avocados are available in most places and are also available all year round. The flavor is a little nuttier than various other types of avocados and hence, is a great option for recipes where you would like a slightly bolder flavor of the avocado itself.
3. Gwen Avocados

Gwen avocados are dark green in color with an oval shape. They are quite similar to avocados in terms of flavor and texture, with a creamy and velvety texture and a slightly more nutty flavor.
Gwen avocados are similar to avocados in many ways, however, there is a significant difference in their size as Gwen avocados are larger. Gwen avocados also have a thick skin, which is, however, easy to peel.
4. Pinkerton Avocados

Pinkerton avocados have an oblong pear shape with green skin that it retains even after it ripens. They have a rich and nutty flavor that is very similar to that of avocados.
Pinkerton avocados can grow to be the largest avocados in size. Moreover, they have a very small pit which means they have more flesh in them. These avocados are, however, more popular amongst home growers.
5. Reed Avocados

Reed avocados are also a type of larger-sized avocados. They have creamy and buttery flesh with a bold flavor. Their flesh is light green or yellow in color, and they have shell-like skin.
The skin of these avocados, being shell-like, makes it a little tough to peel them. However, these avocados are less oily than most other types of avocados and hence are favored by many.
6. Bacon Avocado

The name may confuse many, but sadly, bacon avocado tastes nothing like bacon! These avocados have an oval shape with freckled green skin and have a slightly sweeter flavor as compared to other types.
Though the flavor of bacon avocado is slightly sweeter, it is also exceptionally mild. The flavor is often called bland when compared to certain types, such as avocado. The fatty texture and mild flavor make it a great natural thickener.
7. Fuerte Avocados

Fuerte avocados are medium to large-sized and have an elongated pear shape. The flavor of this avocado is very nutty. The nuttiness is often compared to the flavor of hazelnut.
The flesh of Fuerte avocados is thick and creamy, yellow in color, and also slightly oily. Their skin is somewhat smooth. These avocados are great for various avocado recipes where you would want that extra kick of flavor.
8. Mexicola Avocados

As you may have guessed by the name, Mexicola avocados are Mexican in origin. These avocados are black in color and pear-shaped. The fruit’s peel has an anise-like flavor, and many people find it edible, along with the flesh.
Mexicola avocados have smooth and shiny skin, which is extremely thin. Moreover, the seed is extremely large with a small amount of flesh. So, despite having a stronger flavor, many people don’t prefer using this avocado.
9. Holiday Avocados

Holiday avocados are round, as opposed to many of their oblong counterparts. They are large in size and have notably dense and less fibrous flesh. Holiday avocados also stay green even after they are ripe.
As the flesh of holiday avocados is extremely dense, they make a great thickener for various recipes. These avocados are great for making smoothies, puddings, and spreading over toast. They also have a rich flavor.
10. Zutano Avocados

Zutano avocados are medium-sized and pear-shaped, with thin and glossy skin that remains green throughout the ripening process. These avocados have a higher water content than various other types of avocados.
Due to the higher water content, the flavor of these avocados is extremely mild as compared to the general nutty flavor that you get from avocados. However, that is a great thing about them, as you can add them to any recipe of your choice without altering the flavor.
11. Brogdon Avocados

Brogden or Brogdon avocados are large and have smooth skin. These avocados turn purple as they ripen. They have buttery and nutty flavored flesh.
These avocados usually ripen from August through November and are very resistant to cold. However, they are not as popular in the market as their skin can be very hard to peel.
12. Wurtz Avocados

Wurtz avocados are also known by the name ‘Little Cado’ as they grow on smaller-sized trees. They are, however, medium in size and carry the classic nutty flavor of avocados.
Wurtz avocados also remain green throughout the ripening process. They also have thin skin, which makes them easy to peel with low oil content. However, with these avocados, the pit can be bigger than the fleshy part.
13. Pryor Avocados

Pryor avocados are also known by the name ‘Fantastic.’ This is a green avocado variety with a thin and shiny skin that stays the same throughout the ripening process. It is also a smaller-sized variety of avocados.
Pryor avocados have extremely creamy flesh and a perfect balance of oil. These avocados are known to withstand cold temperatures. Moreover, as their flavor is well balanced, they work well in a variety of recipes.
14. Stewart Avocados

The Stuart or Stewart avocado is a darker variety of avocados that turns black or purple once it is ripe. It has creamy flesh and a nutty flavor and has a lower oil content than some other varieties.
These avocados have coarse and thin skin, which is quite easy to peel. Due to lower oil content, Stewart avocados are a great addition to various salads and sandwiches. This variety can also withstand colder temperatures.
What Is The Right Way To Store Avocados?
I am sure that now that you are familiar with the flavor of avocados, a lot of you must have already thought about buying some and using them in different recipes. However, in case you decide to use them a little later, there are certain tips that you can follow to ensure the proper storage of avocados.
In case you buy ripe avocados, or ones that are almost ripe, it is best to store them in the refrigerator, in an airtight container. The cold temperatures of the refrigerator will slow down the ripening process and will make sure they stay fresh until you use them.
For firm avocados, you can either leave them on the counter or in the refrigerator, depending on the sort of climate you live in. Usually, storing them in the refrigerator is a better idea as that will make sure that the avocados don’t ripen too quickly and become mushy. You can safely store them in the refrigerator for upto two weeks.
In case you want to use only half an avocado and store the rest, you can do that by wrapping the half in plastic wrap and storing it in the refrigerator. The browning or overripening of avocados can also be slowed down by coating the open flesh with some lemon juice and then wrapping it with plastic wrap.
What Is The Right Way To Prepare And Serve Avocados?

All fruits have a different way of preparation and serving that follows them. Avocados are no exception. Avocados may seem intimidating for some to prepare due to their large pit and the fact that they have very creamy flesh. However, if you know and use the right method to prepare an avocado, it can be fairly simple!
To prepare an avocado, you will have to slice it in the middle, along with the seed. Cut all the way around the seed and separate the two halves with your hands. Once you do so, you can remove the seed by stabbing it with a large knife by keeping the knife horizontal. (Use it the way you would use an axe! )
This way, you will easily be able to remove the seed of the avocado. Once the seed is out, you can cut slices or dice, whatever you prefer, while the skin is still around the flesh. You can also scoop out the flesh first with a spoon and then cut the avocados the way you like.
To serve avocados, you can serve them raw or cooked in a recipe. If you are serving them raw, they make a great addition to salads, sandwiches, on toast, and even just as they are. You can serve whole scoops of the flesh or cut or mash the avocado before serving.
Uses Of Avocados

Now you know all about the different kinds of avocados, what they taste like, how to prepare them, and even how you can store them. Some general uses of avocados have been mentioned earlier, but let me tell you a little more in detail about their uses, so you can use them more efficiently.
As per their Mexican origin, avocados are an important ingredient in guacamole, which is an avocado-based dip and spread. Other than that, avocados are a great addition to scrambled eggs to have a wholesome breakfast and are also a great addition to smoothies and desserts. These are just some of the conventional uses.
When it comes to more unconventional uses of avocados, they can be stuffed or used as a substitute for mayonnaise and sour cream due to their creamy texture. They are also a great addition to vegetarian sushi rolls. Avocados can also be grilled, fried, pickled, added to ice creams, and also in pancakes and hummus.
Nutritional Contents Of Avocados

Avocados are delicious and catching up really quickly with new food trends. A big reason for this is that avocados are extremely healthy! They are packed with healthy fats, which are good for the body and are a good source of various vital nutrients.
So, before you buy avocados, how about knowing a little bit in-depth about their nutritional contents? Trust me, once you know these, you won’t be able to stop yourself from going to the closest supermarket right away to get some avocados!
Nutrient | Amount ( Serving Size half Avocado or 100 grams) |
Calories | 160 kcal |
Fat | 14.7 grams |
Sodium | 7 milligrams |
Carbohydrates | 8.5 grams |
Fiber | 6.7 grams |
Sugar | 0.7 grams |
Protein | 2 grams |
Magnesium | 29 milligrams |
Potassium | 485 milligrams |
Vitamin C | 10 milligrams |
Vitamin E | 2.1 milligrams |
Vitamin K | 21 milligrams |
Avocados are a fruit with a large seed and have a creamy consistency with a slightly nutty flavor. Avocados are extremely versatile and can be used in recipes in raw and cooked forms. Avocados are also extremely nutritionally dense and packed with good fats, making them a great fruit option to have.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What does avocado taste like?
Avocados are buttery and creamy with a mild earthy and nutty flavor.
Are avocados healthy?
Yes, avocados are extremely healthy as they are packed with healthy fats and various other vital nutrients.
How do you eat avocados?
Avocados can be eaten both raw and cooked.
How do you store avocados?
Avocados, depending on their ripeness, can be stored in the refrigerator. Ripe avocados can be stored in the refrigerator for upto two weeks without them getting mushy.
Can avocados be eaten every day?
Yes, avocados are healthy and can be eaten every day.
How many avocados can you eat in a day?
It is recommended to eat around half or one whole avocado per day.
Are avocados good for the skin?
Yes, avocados are good for overall skin health.
Can you eat avocados raw?
Yes, avocados can be and are usually eaten raw.
What goes well with avocados?
Avocados pair well with most green leafy vegetables, such as kale and also pair well with fruits like bananas and berries.
Do avocados make you gain weight?
Although avocados are mainly fat, they are a source of good fats. So, certain studies have shown that avocados actually help with losing weight and maintaining a standard weight and also help reduce belly fat.
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