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Here’s a look at this week’s hottest culinary happenings:
Monday, February 1
Free Industry Monday at Feges BBQ
Beginning Monday, February 1 and on the first Monday of every month, hospitality industry workers can eat free at Feges BBQ, 3 Greenway Plaza. Thanks to an anonymous donor, the bbq spot is able to provide these free meals along with its Free Meals to Veterans every Friday. The offers are valid in-store only.
Weekly Lunch Service at Turner’s
Turner’s, 1800 Post Oak, has launched a permanent weekly lunch service after the success of its holiday lunch service, offered every Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Executive chef Robert Del Grande has crafted an all-new menu, with features from lobster salad and steak tartare and frites to classics like the Wagyu hot dog service and Turner’s burger. Reservations are recommended. Book online or call 713-804-1212.
Thursday, February 4
Parmeson Wine Tasting at Mutiny Wine Room
Mutiny Wine Room, 1124 Usener, is offering a Parmeson wine flight throughout the month of February and will kick-off the featured wine flight with a special tasting with winemaker Tom Parmeson on February 4. Cost is $20 per person.
European Wine Dinner at Ouisie’s Table Restaurant
Ouisie’s Table Restaurant, 3939 San Felipe, invites guests to travel Europe via a five-course wine dinner featuring fine wines from Europe’s most visited wine countries, including Spain, France and Italy. Dine on wine-paired dishes such as octopus ceviche, duck confit, salted caramel cheesecake and more. The dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. and cost is $89 per person plus tax and gratuity. Call 713-528-2264.
Winter Tequila and Wine Dinner at Alicia’s Mexican Grille Spring
Alicia’s Mexican Grille (Spring), 20920 Kuykendahl, will host its three-course Winter Tequila and Wine Dinner at 7 p.m., featuring crab bisque, filet mignon with chipotle bourbon sauce and coconut tres leches, plus handcrafted Ocho Tequila cocktails as well as Taken Wine Co. Tickets are $75 per person plus tax and gratuity. Additional dates are February 6 (Houston) and February 20 (Sugar Land).
All weekend long
Prisoner WIne Company at Liberty Kitchen
Liberty Kitchen, 4224 San Felipe, 963 Bunker Hill, kicks off its newest wine dinner series with Prisoner WIne Company, starting Friday, February 5 through Valentine’s Day at both the River Oaks and Memorial locations. The four-course, wine-paired dinner ($99 per guest) features seared scallop with citrus confit, poached pear and candied almonds with sweet basil puree, steak and lobster petites with truffle mashed potatoes and brandy peppercorn sauce, and chocolate covered strawberries with vanilla bean Chantilly.
Saturday, February 6
Winter Tequila and Wine Dinner at Alicia’s Mexican Grille Houston
Alicia’s Mexican Grille (Houston), 12002 Richmond, will host its three-course Winter Tequila and Wine Dinner at 7 p.m., featuring crab bisque, filet mignon with chipotle bourbon sauce and coconut tres leches, plus handcrafted Ocho Tequila cocktails as well as Taken Wine Co. Tickets are $75 per person plus tax and gratuity. An additional dinner will be held February 20 (Sugar Land).
Sunday, February 7
Tamago Sando Throwdown (To-Go)
Chef Gabe Medina of Click Virtual Food Hall and Chef Willet Feng of burger-chan will be facing off in the ultimate tamago sando throwdown (Japanese egg salad sandwich) this Sunday. The preorder link goes live on Monday, February 1, with curbside pickup at Click Virtual Food Hall, 4901 Rose, on Sunday from 9 a.m. to noon. Your order includes Greenway Coffee Co. and Ube Co. HTX goodies.
One-Year Anniversary at Eighteen36
Houston-themed bar and restaurant Eighteen36, 2221 West Alabama, is celebrating its one-year anniversary on Sunday, February 7, with head mixologists Josh Saphier and Sean DeVillez debuting a special feature cocktail (available through February) and Roadster Grill, the on-site restaurant at Eighteen36, offering its famous house made hummus and pita for just $1 as an order add-on for the entire birthday week February 7-13).
Super Bowl Sunday Takeout
Complete your Game Day spread with these Super Bowl Sunday takeout options from local restaurants (note: some need to be preordered).
All month long
Smitten for Kitten at Fat Cat Creamery
Fat Cat Creamery, 1225 West 34th, is giving back to a local nonprofit transport organization to show their kitten love this month in honor of Cat Health Awareness Month. Two featured ice creams treats, the Smitten Kitten Sundae and Catentine’s Day ice cream, will be offered to bring attention to Houston’s homeless cats and the life-saving work of Rescued Pets Movement (10 percent of sales will go to the nonprofit). The Smitten Kitten Sundae features a warm slice of Texas pecan sheet cake topped with two scoops of your choice, hot fudge, fresh strawberry mash, strawberry meringues, whipped cream and house-candied cherries; and Catentiene’s Day is a strawberry rum ice cream with bits of rum-soaked strawberries and Callebaut milk chocolate pieces. The Stomping Grounds location will also be collecting donations of supplies for cats in RPM’s foster program throughout the month.

There’s a new New Happy Hour at Musaafer, and it includes these sliders.
Photo by Raydon Creative
New and ongoing specials
Crawfish season at The Pit Room
Crawfish is now available at The Patio at The Pit Room, 1205 Richmond, every Friday after 4 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 1 p.m. until sold out. Get ‘em for $9.95 per pound served with corn, potato, mushrooms and a half andouille sausage ($27 for three pounds and $58 for a full feast with snow crab clusters and shrimp).
Lunch Service and Happy Hour at La Table
La Table, 1800 Post Oak, is now offering lunch service (Friday and Saturday 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.) and happy hour (Tuesday-Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m.; reverse Friday-Saturday from 8:30 to 11 p.m.). The lunch menu includes new dishes such as the Atlantic Salmon Salad and the Fried Chicken Sandwich; and happy hour includes specials such as $10 cocktails, wines by the glass and $4 beers.
New Happy Hour at Musaafer
Musaafer, 5115 Westheimer, has officially launched a happy hour menu featuring signature cocktails, wines and select dishes such, from Paani Poori comprised of crispy semolina pouches served five ways to Lamb, Beef, Chicken or Chana Palak Sliders and Mithu’s Coriander Prawns. Guests can also indulge in their choice of one happy hour bottle of wine paired with a Kulcha Flatbread for $35. The offerings are available Monday through Friday, 5 to 6:30 p.m.
King Cakes at Brennan’s of Houston
Brennan’s, 3300 Smith, has brought back its cinnamon swirled, sparkling King Cakes for the Mardi Gras season, available for pickup and delivery with preorders (one-day notice). Cakes are $24 each and serve six to eight.
Boba Tea Fundraiser with OCA Greater Houston
OCA-Greater Houston has launched a boba tea fundraiser, BobaFANatic, to celebrate Asian culture and the fan favorite tapioca drink. Now through to March 31, guests can purchase a digital voucher ($35) featuring eight QR codes redeemable at the participating boba tea shops, including including DingTea Sugar Land, The BEP Teahouse, Muse Tea, YumCha, Hella Bubble, Presotea, JTEA, and TeaTalk. Each QR code corresponds to one curated drink from one of eight spots, from Rose Milk Tea with Honey Boba to Green Milk Tea with Milk Jello.
Sandwiches and Chef Bites at The Tasting Room City Centre
Lasco Enterprises executive chef Beto Gutierrez has created three sandwiches and three “Chef Bites” at The Tasting Room in City Centre, 818 Town and Country. Sandwiches include The Italian Sub with mozzarella, capocollo, smoked turkey, calabrese and cherry pepper relish and more on a scratchmade hoagie roll; a Smoked Turkey and Swiss on artisan wheat bread; and a Napa Valley Chicken Salad sandwich topped with lemon aioli. The all-new “Chef Bites” section includes three small plates offered half-off during happy hour (weekdays 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.), including Kefta Flat Bread, French Brie Bites and Grilled Cheese with mozzarella, basil pesto and marinara on a ciabatta bun.
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