February 15, 2025


Simply The Best Food

Clemson Extension to keep foodstuff crop production digital meetings | Agriculture

Clemson Extension to hold food crop production virtual meetings

Clemson Extension will offer you cost-free digital conferences to supply facts on increasing natural and organic vegetables, tomatoes and peppers, cucurbits and brassicas.

It’s a new calendar year and a good time to study or brush up on practices desired to properly mature meals crops.

The Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service’s Horticulture Software has a number of digital conferences prepared to present details from natural and organic fertility to developing tomatoes and peppers, cucurbits and brassicas. These no cost conferences will be made available by way of Zoom. Pesticide credits will be presented. Registration is needed.

The 1st assembly, featuring Clemson natural and organic vegetable specialist Brian Ward, is the Natural and organic Fertility Meeting and is slated for 6 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday. Ward conducts natural, transitional and regular research on vegetables, legumes, rice and other tiny grains and include crops. In addition, he also researches histories of seeds that ended up the moment an essential aspect of the culinary planet and all through South Carolina. To sign up, take a look at little bit.ly/CES_OrganicFertilityMeeting.

Other conferences scheduled are:

  • 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Jan. 27 – Tomato and Pepper Grower Conference. Presentations for this assembly consist of Identifying and Running Anthracnose Fruit Rot on Pepper by Clemson Extension vegetable pathologist Tony Keinath. Matt Cutulle, Clemson Extension weed scientist, will communicate about Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation and Inga Meadows, Extension associate from North Carolina State College, will discuss about grafting tomatoes. Other subjects coated will include things like the Role of Chitin in Soil Plant Health by Dan Chellemi, director of research and improvement for Agricultural Methods. Rob Previous, Clemson Extension horticulture agent in Allen, Bamberg, Barnwell and Hampton counties will communicate about how to use the Fertigation Calculator. To sign-up, go to little bit.ly/CES_TomatoPepperGrowerMtg.
  • 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Feb. 4 – Cucurbit Grower Conference. In this conference, Clemson plant pathologist John Mueller will handle Guava Root Knot Nematode Administration, although Clemson Extension vegetable pathologist Tony Keinath will give the benefits of a Cantaloupe Sickness Study. Clemson Extension weed scientist Matt Cutulle will give an Herbicide and IR4 Update, and Ayanava Majumdar, a vegetable entomologist at Auburn College, will speak about Noticed Cucumber Beetle Breeding on Watermelon. Clemson Extension horticulture agent Rob Very last will wrap up the meeting with a discussion of how to use the Fertigation Calculator. To register, stop by bit.ly/CES_CucurbitGrowerMtg.
  • 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Feb. 11 – Spring Brassica Production Conference. This conference will consist of displays by Clemson Extension senior county agent Tony Melton who will give a Processing Update and Cutulle will give a Weed Regulate Update. Stormy Sparks, College of Georgia entomologist, will chat about Insect Administration for Brassicas and Clemson natural vegetable professional Brian Ward will talk about the Southeast Broccoli Job. The conference culminates with a presentation about Diamond Back Moth Bioassays by Justin Ballew. To register for this assembly, go go to bit.ly/CES_BrassicaGrowerMtg.